
MCCGE – MySQL Cluster Carrier Grade Edition


MySQL Cluster je "shared nothing", "no single point of failure", HA (high availability) RDBMS. MySQL Cluster nije zamena za ORACLE RAC. MySQL - ima neke veze sa MySQL-om Cluster - koristi grupu računara a ne samo jedan shared nothing - nijedan resurs se ne deli izmedju komponenti (na primer ORACLE RAC ima shared storage, dakle disk je deljen između nodova) no single point of failure - nema...

MySQL Cluster 6.3.24


Izasao MySQL Cluster 6.3.24 .. sta reci, MySQL Cluster je production quality vec dugo vremena, 6.3.24 dolazi sa par ispravljenih bagova: • Bug #29574 – API Test for 29501 with undo file = (5*1024) cause Ndbd FS inconsistency (lgman) • Bug #34268 – Keyboard tabbing sequence incorrect when editing a table • Bug #37934 – Partition pruning doesn’t work for all queries in DBT2...

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